Fude + Serrahn

Towards a Better World: Our Mission in Food Production

We are a leading company in the food industry, producing high-quality products for a broad range of demographics. Milk is at the core of our operations.

Through our code of conduct in accordance with the ETI Base Code, we ensure that ethical, social, and environmental responsibility are integral components of our business strategy.

[Translate to Englisch:] Nachhaltigkeit

Acting sustainably as a company means:

  • using energy and resources sparingly and avoiding environmental impact
  • expanding the share of renewable energies as an energy source for our production processes
  • facing our social responsibility to reduce CO2 emissions
  • creating healthy and enjoyable food with sustainable added value
  • meeting our customers' needs through safe and high-quality products and services
  • securing the future of our dairy farms with a competitive payout price
  • creating framework conditions that ensure success-oriented and motivated employees
  • advancing the cause of animal welfare by gradually introducing husbandry standards at Level 3 in milk production

Energy and environment

At F + S, we attach great importance to protecting the environment and using energy efficiently. Our aim is to continuously and systematically improve operational environmental protection and our energy management system - above and beyond the legal requirements. The responsible use of energy and resources, avoiding environmental pollution and increasing energy efficiency are key corporate objectives.

An important part of our measures is investing in energy-saving technologies and the comprehensive installation of photovoltaic systems at several locations. In 2023, we were already able to generate 25 MWh of solar power from our first solar installation, a figure that rose to over 650 MWh in the first half of 2024. This progress underlines our commitment to renewable energy and shows that we are on the right track.

However, our efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions do not only extend to energy generation, but also to the area of logistics. The future use of long trailers, which can transport a larger number of pallets per journey, will reduce the number of journeys required and therefore significantly cut CO₂ emissions. At the same time, we are monitoring legal developments in order to accelerate the introduction of further long trucks as soon as the legal framework is in place.

To further strengthen our sustainable logistics, we are also investing in more modern, fuel-efficient vehicles and continuously optimizing our transport processes. We rely on innovative systems to improve vehicle capacity utilization and avoid empty runs, which is both ecologically and economically beneficial.

We also take care to keep our environmental impact as low as possible in all areas. This includes reducing waste volumes, promoting a circular economy, using water sparingly and minimizing emissions.

Our desire to find sustainable solutions drives us to continuously look for new ways to increase energy efficiency and avoid environmental pollution. This is not only a corporate goal, but also our contribution to a future worth living. One example of this is the use of cocoa from certified Rainforest Alliance sources, which supports both environmental and social standards.

Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

As a dairy company, we are aware of our responsibility with regard to our climate-relevant activities and achieving the 1.5° C target of the Paris Climate Agreement.

We therefore calculate our CCF annually for the entire Group in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Based on the findings, we have set ourselves the following reduction targets in accordance with SBTi with the base year 2023 and are committed to achieving them by 2033:

  • Reduce our absolute GHG emissions in Scope 1 and 2 by 54.6 %.
  • Reduce our absolute GHG emissions in Scope 3 by 32.5 %.
  • For Scope 3 FLAG to reduce our absolute GHG emissions by 66.02 %.

For Net-zero, we are committed to reducing our GHG emissions in Scope 1 -3 by 90 % and our GHG emissions from Scope 3 FLAG by 72 % by 2050.


As a manufacturer of food products and distributor of various packaging materials, we are deeply committed to environmental awareness, sustainability, and resource efficiency. We maintain constant communication with our suppliers to optimize our packaging materials.

However, it's also essential to consider that key properties such as protection against pests and transport damage, preservation of freshness, shelf life, and durability, as well as providing consumer information and ensuring hygienic handling, must be guaranteed. For years, we have been working proactively with our suppliers to reduce the weights of our plastic packaging. This has been achieved in many instances while preserving the aforementioned functions.

Additionally, we strive to increase recyclability by opting for mono-material packaging, which, when correctly disposed of by the consumer, can be 100% recycled. Our secondary packaging consists of corrugated and solid board, which is made from 100% renewable resources, recyclable, reusable, and compostable.

Product Safety & Quality

The Central Quality Management helps enforce the company's quality policy consistently across all business areas and subsidiaries of the corporate group. The goal is to establish and monitor standardized processes in all business operations, covering both the quality of procedures and end products.

Our certification according to IFS Food ensures that we guarantee traceability of all legal requirements regarding production, processing, and distribution levels, including labeling, at all times.

We continuously develop our systems, particularly concerning food safety, product protection, and counterfeit prevention, and regularly subject them to internal and external audits and assessments. We commit to providing the necessary human and financial resources for this purpose.